التعامل مع التسرب في صمامات الفراشة ذات الضغط العالي والمتوسط

May 05, 2024

Leakage in high and medium pressure butterfly valves is a common issue that can significantly impact industrial production and pose risks to public safety. These valves are crucial components in power plant equipment and systems, highlighting the importance of addressing any leaks promptly. Below, we analyze several methods for handling external leakage in power plant high and medium pressure butterfly valves:

Leakage from Valve Packing:

Leakage often occurs between the valve stem and packing due to the dynamic movement between these components during valve operation. Factors such as temperature, pressure, and frequency of valve switching can exacerbate this issue, leading to gradual deterioration and loss of elasticity in the packing material. As a result, pressure media may leak from the gap between the packing and the valve stem, potentially causing damage over time.

Flange Leakage:

Flange leakage can result from various factors, including insufficient tightening force on sealing gaskets, surface roughness mismatches, or gasket deformation. Additionally, issues such as bolt deformation, aging gaskets, or cracking can contribute to flange sealing issues. Human error can also play a role in flange leakage and must be carefully considered.

Methods for Addressing External Leakage:

Several methods can be employed to address external leakage in power plant high and medium pressure butterfly valves. One of the most effective approaches is the injection method for pressure-resistant sealing. This technique utilizes specialized tools and hydraulic injection equipment to inject sealant into the sealing cavities formed between the leakage area and adjacent surfaces. By applying pressure greater than that of the leaking media, the sealant transforms from a plastic to an elastic state, providing effective sealing and preventing further leakage.


In conclusion, addressing external leakage in high and medium pressure butterfly valves requires careful consideration and the use of appropriate techniques. Injection methods for pressure-resistant sealing offer a safe and effective solution for mitigating leaks and ensuring the continued reliability and safety of power plant equipment. By implementing these measures, industries can minimize downtime, prevent accidents, and maintain optimal performance in their operations.

التالي: العوامل الرئيسية لاختيار الصمامات

سابق: تدابير صيانة صمامات درجة الحرارة العالية والضغط العالي

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