فشل الصمام وتحليل أسبابه (الجزء الأول)

Dec 27, 2021
فشل الصمامات وأسباب التحليل
تنقسم التسريبات بشكل رئيسي إلى تسربات خارجية وتسريبات داخلية. تشير التسريبات الخارجية بشكل أساسي إلى السائل المتدفق إلى خارج النظام بسبب فشل الختم وأسباب أخرى ، وفي حين أن السائل المتدفق إلى داخل النظام يسمى التسرب الداخلي. السبب الرئيسي لتسربصمامهو فشل الختم. تسرب صمام التوربينات البخارية 300 ميجاوات في محطة توليد الطاقة الحرارية. بعد إجراء فحص كامل ، تبين أن مقعد الصمام قد تم ارتداؤه بسبب الفتح والإغلاق المتعدد ، مما أدى إلى انخفاض أداء إحكام الغلق للصمام ، وكان سبب التسرب هو عدم إغلاق الصمام جيدًا. في بيئة ذات درجة حرارة منخفضة ، مع انخفاض درجة الحرارة ، تنخفض خصائص الشد والضغط للمطاط بشكل حاد وسيتصلب ، مما يؤدي إلى تقليل قوة الشد المسبق لسطح التلامس ، مما يؤدي إلى حدوث تسرب. في ظل ظروف درجات الحرارة المرتفعة والضغط المرتفع ، سيتشوه جسم الصمام ، وقد يسقط جذع الصمام وينحشر. بغض النظر عن ظروف العمل ، بمجرد فشل إحكام غلق الصمام والتسبب في حدوث تسرب ، خاصةً عند وجود وسائط عالية الحرارة والضغط العالي والتآكل والمشعة والقابلة للاشتعال والانفجار ، والحوادث مثل التسمم والحريق والانفجار والإصابة الشخصية سوف يحدث. يوضح الجدول 1 مواقع التسرب الشائعة وأسباب الصمام.
الجدول 1 مواقع التسرب الشائعة للصمامات وأسبابها
Leakage parts Sealing surfaces  Packing Sealing rings  Valve bodies and bonnets
Reasons for leakages  ①The sealing surface is uneven due to the production material or great force.
②The valve stem is bent and the assembly position is deflected.
③The selection is not according to the requirements.
①The packing is not selected according to the requirements or is aging, which causes the sealing performance to decrease.
②The problem of the valve stem causes the packing to be damaged.
①The sealing ring is not selected according to requirements, and the material has poor fatigue resistance.
② The sealing ring is corroded and there is a problem with the heat treatment.
①The bolts and fasteners are loose or the tightness is different.
② There is insufficient strength for materials or a defect in the processing technology.
The reasons for leakages of valves caused by sealing failure are as follows:
(1) Unreasonable design
It is found that the fatigue life of the steam drum continuous exhaust valve is prolonged with the decrease of load, the improvement of surface finish and good heat treatment after using ANSYS and MSC.Fatigue to simulate. The results obtained by the analysis were consistent with the basic common sense of engineering, which verified the feasibility of using analysis software to analyze the fatigue life of the continuous exhaust valve. Finite element analysis was performed for the bellows and a valve model with leakage was established. It was calculated that when the surface roughness Ra value was between 0.1 and 0.4μm, it not only met the requirement for the service life, but also solved the problem of the leakage of the valve.
(2) Unreasonable structure
The sealing structure of the slag lock valve is designed based on the working environment, sealing specific pressure and structural sizes, as shown in Figure 1. The finite element model was established for simulation, and the flow model and leakage model were used for analysis. The effective sealing interval of the design parameters and the valve seat leakage level under different parameters were obtained and verified. After analyzing the U-shaped sealing (Figure 2), it is found that the maximum creep strain occurred at the upper and lower arm spans of the U-shaped sealing and the root of the U-shaped groove, and there was no leakage.

Figure 1 The sealing structure of the slag lock valve
Figure 2 The U shape sealing structure
(3) Unreasonable selection of materials
A439D-2C austenitic ductile iron was trial-produced, and its mechanical properties and composition are shown in Table 2 and Table 3. The spheroidization rate of austenitic ductile iron is higher than 95%, and its mechanical properties and composition are better than those of the same type of cast iron in China; its plasticity index is increased by 3 times. After the material was applied to the double-sided sealing structure, the service life of the valve was significantly improved, and the manufacturing cost and difficulty were reduced. A cobalt-free iron-based alloy powder was researched and developed and was covered on the stainless steel substrate by the laser cladding technology. The hardness of the stainless steel substrate covered with the powder was significantly increased after testing, which was about twice the hardness of the uncovered substrate.
Table 2 Mechanical properties of austenitic ductile iron
Items The tensile stress in tensile strength/MPa Elongation at the break at non-proportional elongation/% Elastic modulus/GPa Tensile stress at yield (offset 0.2%)/MPa Loads at tensile strength/kN
1 507.236 31.602 93.145 259.286 9.255
2 464.776 21.091 109.142 235.615 9.126
3 478.537 33.006 95.900 235.504 9.396
Table 3 The composition of austenitic ductile iron wt%
Technical standards C Si Mn P Cr Ni
ASTM Less than and equal to 2.90 Between 1.00 and 3.00 Between 1.80 and 2.40 Less than and equal to 0.08 Less than and equal to 0.05 Between 21.00 and 24.00
A large number of scholars have analyzed and improved the sealing structure of the valve from the perspectives of design, structure and materials, but there are still problems. First, the sealing is qualitatively analyzed under specific conditions and the calculation method for quantitative analysis can't be performed for most conditions. Second, sealing involves many microscopic in the working environment, and the principles and manifestation of microscopic phenomena caused by different influencing factors are not the same. Therefore, it is very important to study the sealing failure caused by multiple factors, which can provide directions and ways to further improve the sealing structure and improve the sealing performance.
2. Broken valve bodies
The main reasons for the breaking of the valve body are as follows:
(1) Improper selection of materials for valve bodies or material defects such as sand holes, bubbles, shrinkage holes, etc.
When a wafer butterfly valve is installed, if rubber gaskets or other gaskets are provided to increase the sealing surface of the valve body end, it will cause cracking and breaking in the valve body during use. The force, material, torque and other aspects of the valve body in this state were analyzed. It is believed that the valve body's material should be ductile iron, and no defects are allowed to ensure the normal use and safe operation of the valve body. The impact of casting defects on the strength of hydraulic valve bodies was analyzed. The ProCAST software was used to establish a casting defect model, and the stress values of the valve body in the ideal state and defective state under different pressures were compared. It is found that the valve body with shrinkage holes would produce more partial stress, as shown in Figure 3, that is, shrinkage would cause the partial effective wall thickness of the valve body to be reduced. Stress concentration would occur, which would lead to a decrease in the load-bearing capacity of the valve body and strength, and a significant decrease in fatigue and service life.
Figure 3 The curve of the greatest stress changing with the pressure

التالي: فشل الصمام وتحليل أسبابه (الجزء الثاني)

سابق: حلول لأعطال الصمامات

حول المؤلف
Teresa is a skilled author specializing in industrial technical articles with over eight years of experience. She has a deep understanding of manufacturing processes, material science, and technological advancements. Her work includes detailed analyses, process optimization techniques, and quality control methods that aim to enhance production efficiency and product quality across various industries. Teresa's articles are well-researched, clear, and informative, making complex industrial concepts accessible to professionals and stakeholders.

معلومات عنا

لدينا مسبك والعديد من مراكز التصنيع. بعد أكثر من 30 عامًا من الابتكار والتطوير ، أصبحنا مصنعًا يدمج التصميم والبحث والتطوير والتصنيع والمبيعات. هناك أكثر من 500 موظف ، بما في ذلك ما يقرب من 200 عامل للبحث والتطوير والتكنولوجيا. لدينا ورشة إنتاج احترافية ، ومجموعة كاملة من مراكز تصنيع CNC واسعة النطاق ، ومراكز تصنيع أفقية آلية ، ومخارط عمودية عملاقة كبيرة الحجم ، وآلات لحام أوتوماتيكية ، وخط إنتاج كامل.

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